Package-level declarations


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class AudioRecordSource(context: Context) : CoroutineScope, AudioSource

An audio source that captures a microphone by the AudioRecord api.

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interface AudioSource : Source

An interface that captures an audio source.

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A video source that captures a camera by the Camera2 API.

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A video source that captures a display by the MediaProjection API.

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@RequiresApi(value = 28)
class MultiCamera2Source(val context: Context) : VideoSource

A video source that captures multi-camera by the Camera2 API.

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interface Source : Running

An interface that captures a source.

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abstract class Stream(applicationContext: Context)

The Stream class is the foundation of a RtmpStream.

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class StreamRecorder(applicationContext: Context)

An object that writes media data to a file.

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interface StreamView
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interface VideoSource : Source

An interface that captures a video source.