Package-level declarations


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class BicubicVideoEffect(val name: String = "bicubic") : VideoEffect

An object that provides a resampling filter by bicubic algorithm.

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class BilinearVideoEffect(val name: String = "bilinear") : VideoEffect

An object that provides a resampling filter by bilinear algorithm.

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An object that provides a no effect.

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class LanczosVideoEffect(val name: String = "lanczos") : VideoEffect

An object that provides a resampling filter by lanczos algorithm.

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class MonochromeVideoEffect(val name: String = "monochrome") : VideoEffect

An object that provides a monochrome effect.

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class MosaicVideoEffect(val name: String = "mosaic") : VideoEffect

An object that provides a mosaic effect.

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class SepiaVideoEffect(val name: String = "sepia") : VideoEffect

An object that provides a sepia effect.

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interface VideoEffect

The VideoEffect interface provides to create a custom video effect.