
The IEventDispatcher interface is in implementation which supports the DOM Event Model.



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open fun addEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener)

abstract fun addEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener, useCapture: Boolean)

Registers the event listeners on the event target.

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abstract fun dispatchEvent(event: Event)

Dispatches the events into the implementations event model.

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open fun dispatchEventWith(type: String)

Dispatches the events into the implementations event model.

open fun dispatchEventWith(type: String, bubbles: Boolean)
abstract fun dispatchEventWith(type: String, bubbles: Boolean, data: Any?)
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open fun removeEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener)

abstract fun removeEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener, useCapture: Boolean)

Unregister the event listeners on the event target.