
An object that creates a two-way RTMP connection.


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NetStatusEvent#info.code for RtmpConnection

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object Companion


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Specifies the outgoing RTMPChunkSize.

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Specifies the name of application.

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This instance connected to server(true) or not(false).

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Specifies the URL of an HTTP referer.

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Specifies the URL of .swf.

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Specifies the time to wait for TCP/IP Handshake done.

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The statistics of total incoming bytes.

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The statistics of total outgoing bytes.

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var uri: URI?

The URI passed to the RTMPConnection.connect() method.


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open override fun addEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener, useCapture: Boolean)

Registers the event listeners on the event target.

open fun addEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener)
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fun call(commandName: String, responder: Responder?, vararg arguments: Any)

Calls a command or method on RTMP Server.

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fun close()

Closes the connection from the server.

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fun connect(command: String, vararg arguments: Any?)

Creates a two-way connection to an application on RTMP Server.

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open override fun dispatchEvent(event: Event)

Dispatches the events into the implementations event model.

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open override fun dispatchEventWith(type: String, bubbles: Boolean, data: Any?)
open fun dispatchEventWith(type: String, bubbles: Boolean)

open fun dispatchEventWith(type: String)

Dispatches the events into the implementations event model.

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fun dispose()

Dispose the connection for a memory management.

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open override fun removeEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener, useCapture: Boolean)

Unregister the event listeners on the event target.

open fun removeEventListener(type: String, listener: IEventListener)