Package-level declarations


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data class EdgeInsets(var top: Int, var left: Int, var bottom: Int, var right: Int)

The inset distances for screens.

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open class Image : ScreenObject

An object that manages offscreen rendering an image source.

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interface Renderer
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abstract class Screen(val applicationContext: Context) : ScreenObjectContainer

An object that manages offscreen rendering a foundation.

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abstract class ScreenObject(val target: Int = GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D)

The ScreenObject class is the abstract class for all objects that are rendered on the screen.

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A ScreenObjectContainer represents a collection of screen objects.

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class Text : Image

An object that manages offscreen rendering a text source.

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class Video(val target: Int = GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES) : ScreenObject, SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener

An object that manages offscreen rendering a video source.