
abstract class Screen(val applicationContext: Context) : ScreenObjectContainer

An object that manages offscreen rendering a foundation.


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constructor(applicationContext: Context)


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abstract class Callback
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object Companion


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Specifies the screen's background color.

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The bounds rectangle.

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The total of child counts.

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open var frame: Rect

Specifies the frame rectangle.

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Specifies the alignment position along the horizontal axis.

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open var id: Int
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open var isVisible: Boolean

Specifies the visibility of the object.

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Specifies the default spacing to laying out content in the screen object.

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The mvp matrix.

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open override var parent: ScreenObjectContainer?

The screen object container that contains this screen object

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val target: Int
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Specifies the alignment position along the vertical axis.

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Specifies the video effect such as a monochrome, a sepia.


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open fun addChild(child: ScreenObject?)

Adds the specified screen object as a child of the current screen object container.

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abstract fun bind(screenObject: ScreenObject)

Binds the gpu texture.

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Change the z order of the child so it's on top of all other children.

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open fun dispose()

Disposes all resources of the screen object.

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open override fun draw(renderer: Renderer)

Draws the screen object.

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open fun invalidateLayout()

Invalidates the current layout and triggers a layout update.

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open override fun layout(renderer: Renderer)

Layouts the screen object.

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abstract fun readPixels(lambda: (bitmap: Bitmap?) -> Unit)

Reads the pixels of a displayed image.

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open fun registerCallback(callback: Screen.Callback)

Registers a listener to receive notifications about when the Screen.

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open fun removeChild(child: ScreenObject?)

Removes the specified screen object as a child of the current screen object container.

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open fun sendChildToBack(child: ScreenObject)

Change the z order of the child so it's on bottom of all other children.

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abstract fun unbind(screenObject: ScreenObject)

Unbinds the gpu texture.

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Unregisters a screen listener.